My name is Christina Nail My lifelong fascination with human nature, particularly within the realm of romantic relationships and sexuality, has shaped my unique approach. I utilize new and established techniques in sex therapy and couples therapy. This keen awareness allows me to decipher nuances in people's behaviors, traditions, thoughts, emotions, and convictions. Every interaction I have with clients is a source of wonder and gratitude, as I delicately observe and establish meaningful connections. This rapport enables me to seamlessly adapt and tailor my strategies to cater to each client's distinct needs.
My professional journey commenced within the walls of a psychiatric hospital, where I engaged with high-acuity patients grappling with severe manifestations of suicidality, homicidality, psychosis, and declining functionality attributed to conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and more. It was amidst the tumultuous environment of the psychiatric ER's intake department that I recognized my innate ability to thrive in crisis situations. Today, my focus has shifted to relationships and sexuality facing their own "crises." You might have experienced the isolating belief that you're alone in your struggles, that your challenges are insurmountable, and that no one comprehends your situation. Let me assure you, our shared human experiences far outweigh our differences.
A pivotal moment in my life came when I found myself venting about the complexities I was facing. Unexpectedly, the response I received was a thought-provoking question: "What sets you apart that you should lead a problem-free existence?" Although initially caught off guard, I realized the profound truth in that statement. We are all bound to encounter difficulties. While some problems can be directly resolved, others necessitate a strategic approach to craft a fulfilling life, irrespective of the hurdles we face. My mission is to guide you in navigating these challenges, fostering resilience, and ultimately, empowering you to forge a life of exceptional quality.
Sex Therapy at the University of Michigan's post-graduate Sexual Health Certificate Program, April 2020
Masters of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy from Texas Wesleyan University
Moderator for "The Power of Self- Identification: Self-Identifying as a Means to Connection and Community for Autistics" By B. Lourenco, 2023
Presenter of "Rebuilding Pleasure" at Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapists Conference: MFTs In Extraordinary Times: A Systemic Approach to Response & Recovery, 2022
Presenter of “Rebuilding Pleasure” (after addiction, betrayal, and trauma) at SIPER, Sante Institute for Professional Education and Research, 2021
Recurring presenter of “Family and Emotional Issues in Divorce” at Second Saturday Divorce Workshop, 2019-2022
Presenter of "Group Therapy for Female Sexual Dysfunction of Desire and Arousal" at American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists Conference 2019
Guest Lecturer and Case Consultant about Sexual Health for Masters Students at Texas Wesleyan University, 2019
Presenter of "Sexual Survival Kit for Marriage" at Healthy Marriage Conference, 2019
College Day Presentation at Texas Wesleyan University and available on Academic Archive, 2015
Day of Action booth about Principles of Sexual Health at Texas Wesleyan University, 2015
In addition to licenses, certifications, and degrees.
Christina Grudzinski Nail Counseling
1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 610 Los Angeles, California 90025, United States
Copyright © 2023 Christina Grudzinski Nail Counseling - All Rights Reserved.